Crypto Crime Create History: Hits Record $20 billion

The world of cryptocurrency has been making headlines lately for its volatile market, but a much more concerning news topic has emerged: crypto crime. According to recent estimates, the amount of money lost in cryptocurrency-related thefts and scams has reached an all-time high of $20 billion!

This amount is staggering and has quickly become one of the most significant crimes in financial history.

About Crypto Crime

Crypto Crime has been on the rise as more and more people are turning to digital assets. Many criminals are taking advantage of cryptocurrency’s anonymity and ease of use to commit various types of fraud.

about crypto crime

Cybercriminals use sophisticated tools to steal from unsuspecting victims or manipulate transaction data to generate profits. Recently, there have been reports of crypto-related crimes involving computer hacks, Ponzi schemes, ransomware attacks, money laundering, and counterfeiting. Here is a table showing you a report on cryptocurrency fraud each year.

YearsCrypto crime ( in Million dollars)
Q1 2022$329M

Crypto Crime Hits Record in 2022

Data from blockchain analytics company Chainalysis revealed on Thursday that illegal cryptocurrency use reached a record $20.1 billion last year as cash transactions organizations subject to U.S. sanctions increased sharply. 

crypto crime hits record

According to Chainalysis, transactions involving sanctioned entities grew more than 100,000 times in 2022 and accounted for 44% of all illicit activities in 2017. 

In 2022, the cryptocurrency market suffered as risk-taking declined and several crypto businesses fell. Due to the large losses experienced by investors, regulators raised their requests for greater consumer protection.

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When did It start?

The first reported case of crypto crime was in 2011, when hackers attempted to steal over $2 million worth of Bitcoin from a user’s wallet. This particular incident set off a series of events that have led to an unprecedented surge in crypto-related criminal activities.

when crypto crime started

Cybercriminals have since taken advantage of cryptocurrencies’ decentralized nature and lack of regulation to launch malicious attacks against businesses, individuals, and even entire countries.

Crypto Crimes In Countries

Now the question is, in which country is crypto crime increasing? The answer may surprise you. According to a recent study from Chainalysis, there are three clear leaders regarding crypto crime: Russia, China, and Vietnam.

crypto crimes in countries

These three countries account for about 70% of all reported crypto crimes worldwide – with Russia leading by a wide margin.

Why is Crypto Crime Happening?

One reason for crypto crime is the relative ease of setting up accounts on digital currency exchanges. Transactions can be done quickly and anonymously with no need for personal information to be provided. This makes it very attractive for criminals who want to move illicit funds without being traced or identified by law enforcement agencies.

why crypto crime is happening

Additionally, many digital currencies are decentralized and lack regulations, making them vulnerable to criminal exploitation as no one entity controls them or keeps track of transactions.

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To summarize

Crypto crime is no joke and is on the rise. This year alone, crypto criminals have managed to steal a record-breaking $20 billion in digital assets from unsuspecting investors. The sheer amount of money stolen should be an eye-opener for governments, exchanges, and users alike to ensure that their platforms are secure and that proper regulation is implemented. It is now more essential than ever to take security measures seriously when trading or investing in cryptocurrency.


The involvement of cryptocurrencies in money laundering schemes has increased, especially linked to several primary offenses like drug and fraud trafficking. They are also frequently used to pay for illegally obtained products and services sold online and offline.
The value of a cryptocurrency is subject to rapid and frequent change. An investment worth millions of dollars could only be worth a few hundred dollars in the future. No guarantee can be given that the value will increase again if it decreases. Cryptocurrencies are not risk-free investments due to anything.
Crypto trading plays an integral role in discovering valuables and identifying target transactions if your bitcoin has been lost or scammed. IFW helps to start crypto tracing services, whether to support an assets search or provide information for a financial crime investigation.
Unless the bitcoin wallet is encrypted, law enforcement can access it completely. The easiest option for accessing a bitcoin wallet that has been encrypted is to ask the suspect for the encryption code.
Here are the top 5 cybercrimes that will harm people and businesses in 2023: 1. Website Spoofing 2. Phishing Scams 3. IoT Hacking 4. Malware 5. Ransomware
Con men may offer those who have lost funds to fraud so-called recovery services. Fraudsters can try to convince people that they can recover any crypto losses you may have.
Bitcoin can be tracked, yes. The information you need to remember is as follows: A public ledger contains records of all blockchain transactions. Every transaction to the general public and any relevant governmental agency opens up.
Through a procedure known as forfeiture, the government could seize Bitcoin's control. The loss of that bitcoin permanently due to a court order or verdict is known as forfeiture. Before forfeiture, seizures are possible, and not all seizures lead to forfeiture.
One method of theft is a third party gaining access to a victim's wallet address or online wallet's private key. The entire balance of the compromised address's bitcoins can be transferred if the private key is stolen.
Satoshi Nakamoto, The Winklevoss Twins, Tim Draper, Michael Saylor, Public Companies, Private Companies, Countries, and Governments hold the most Bitcoin.
Even until December 2010, Nakamoto was involved in the creation of bitcoin. Numerous people have been proposed as the individual or group behind the name Satoshi Nakamoto, resulting in a large debate over the identity of the real Satoshi Nakamoto.