5 Must-Have Chicago Souvenirs That Will Energize Your Memories

Exploring a new city is always an exciting experience, and taking home a souvenir is a great way to remember your trip. Chicago, the Windy City, has an abundance of Chicago souvenirs that will remind you of your visit to this vibrant city. From classic Chicago merchandise to unique finds, there is something for everyone. Here are five Chicago souvenirs that you shouldn’t miss.

Chicago-Style Hot Dog Kit 

chicago souvenirs hot dogs

Chicago is known for its iconic hot dogs, and taking home a hot dog kit is a great way to remember the city’s culinary scene. Everything you need to make a Chicago-style hot dog at home is included in the package, including Vienna beef hot dogs, poppy seed buns, neon green relish, onions, sports peppers, and celery salt.

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Deep-Dish Pizza Kit

chicago souvenirs pizza

Another popular dish in Chicago is deep-dish pizza. Taking home a deep-dish pizza kit is a great way to bring the taste of Chicago home with you. The kit contains all the necessary ingredients, including pizza dough, tomato sauce, cheese, and toppings.

Chicago Sports Merchandise 

chicago sports merchandise

Chicago is the home to some of the nation’s largest sports fans. Whether you’re a fan of the Chicago Cubs, the Chicago Bears, or the Chicago Blackhawks, a wide range of Chicago souvenirs are available for sports enthusiasts. You can buy jerseys, caps, t-shirts, and other merchandise featuring your favorite team’s logo.

Chicago Architecture Books 

chicago architecture books 

Chicago is renowned for its architecture, and taking home a book on the city’s famous buildings is an excellent way to learn more about its history. Many architecture books showcase the city’s famous landmarks, such as the Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower), the John Hancock Center, and the Chicago Water Tower.

Chicago Blues CDs 

chicago blues cds

Chicago has a rich musical heritage; one of its favorite genres is blues. Taking home a Chicago blues CD is a great way to experience the city’s musical culture. Many famous blues musicians, such as Muddy Waters and Howlin’ Wolf, started in Chicago, and their music continues to be celebrated in the city today.


In conclusion, Chicago souvenirs are a great way to remember your trip to the Windy City. There is something for everyone, from food kits to sports merchandise, architecture books, and music CDs. Make sure to take home at least one of these souvenirs to keep the memory of your trip alive.